Church of the Resurrection

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Kids on Easter Sunday at Rez

If you’re looking for a kid-friendly church, Church of the Resurrection is a great place. Easter Sunday will be especially fun and engaging for children.

Here are a few things you should know:

  1. Come early (9:30 or 9:40) for breakfast (from La Monarca Bakery) and also to check your children in for their class.

  2. 10:00 am – On most Sundays kids begin the service in their classrooms. However, on Easter we will start off together because we’ll need the kids to help us ring hand bells at the ”alleluias” and to help us cover the cross with flowers.

  3. After the flowering of the cross, the kids will process out together to their classrooms. We have a well-staffed nursery for children 6 months to age 3. Children ages 3 to 8 have their own class where they are invited to experience the Word of God in a child centered, play-based learning environment.

  4. Toward the end of the service, our children join us in the sanctuary to receive Holy Communion. All baptized persons (including small children) are welcome to receive communion in our church.

  5. After the service, the kids will have an Easter Egg Hunt and then we’ll have a jumper and craft table to keep the party going. We’ll also eat Easter Lunch together and kids might even enjoy dancing as the Mariachi band plays.

We hope to see you and your family on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019. We are located at 1500 N. Ave 53 in Highland Park (Los Angeles) just one block off of York Blvd.