Good Friday in Highland Park

Good Friday | April 19, 2019

On Good Friday (Viernes Santo) we celebrate the sacrificial suffering and death of our Savior Jesus Christ on the Cross. The Good Friday liturgy is sacred, solemn, and contemplative.

The service begins at 7 pm and it will last an hour. Children are encouraged to participate in all Holy Week services. Nursery will be available for children ages 6 months - 3 years.

Come early for Stations of the Cross at 6 pm.

Our Good Friday service will take place in the chapel of Church of the Resurrection, 1500 N. Avenue 53, Los Angeles, CA 90042 (one block north of York Blvd in Highland Park, Northeast Los Angeles).

Church of the Resurrection is an Anglican parish in Los Angeles. To learn more about our church, click the here.